We use crude tall oil, a residual product from pulp mills, as the raw material when processing our unique tall diesel, which Preem turns into their Evolution diesel

The tall oil we use is a residual product from the pulp industry and our energy efficient process turns it into unique tall diesel – a product that is sold to Sweden’s motorists via Preem . Today, we produce 100 million liters of tall diesel and we have plans to expand. In terms of positive climate impact, today’s production reduces fossil CO2 emissions by 250,000 tonnes per year, or in simpler terms, the equivalent to the emissions from 200 000 vehicles every year.
SunPine produces around 105,000,000 liters of tall diesel per year.
Safety is always in focus at SunPine and we work actively to build Sweden’s safest workplace. Below you will find the safety data that applies to our raw tall diesel.