

Rosin is used in ink, paint, tape and road markings

Green and sustainable rosin produced from tall oil. Our rosin is used by our customers as a raw material in the manufacturing of a variety of products. For example, our customer Lawter uses our rosin to produce printer ink.

Did you know that amber is fossilised rosin? People have used rosin for thousands of years for sealing boats and more recently in paint and the development of plastics.

Rosin, from the Latin resina, is a generic term for a secretion from conifers. Rosin consists of resin, i.e. the various saps that flow out of a tree.

Rosin has many fields of application; violinists rosin their bows with it, ballet dancers give their shoes better grip with it, and it’s used in the production of varnish and LP records.

SunPine has an annual rosin production capacity of 24,000 tonnes.


For SunPine safety is always in focus and we work actively to build Sweden’s safest workplace. Below you will find the safety data that applies to our Tall Oil Rosin.

Safety data sheet Tall Oil Rosin ( EN)

Safety data sheet Résine de tall oil (FR)

Safety data sheet Resina de óleo alto (PT)

FAQ - Rosin

Rosin consists of various saps that flow out of a tree. Humans have used rosin for thousands of years, to seal boats, to paint and to develop plastics.

SunPine produces rosin from tall oil, which is then processed by our customers into (among other things) printing ink.

Rosin is used as a raw material by our customers to produce a number of different products, everything from glue and paint to vinyl records and printing ink.

Rosin is made up of hydrocarbon secretions. Trees use this secretion to protect themselves against insect and fungal infestations. SunPine refines rosin acids from tall oil in order to produce rosin of high quality.

When rosin is in its liquid form it has a characteristic smell but when it has hardened it does not have a specific smell.

Smaller amounts of rosin can be bought in craft stores, music stores and handicraft/building stores.

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One raw material, many possibilities