Inclusion and diversity, important to SunPine’s new HR Manager
On August 14, SunPine welcomed their new HR Manager Karin Forsmark to her first day on the job. During the spring, Karin has come in contact with SunPine through a leadership development assignment and has also been helpful as HR support.
“I got to know SunPine more and more and what attracted me to apply for the position is the focus on sustainability, the good organizational culture and the fact that the company is a world leader with its product. It feels great to be here”, says Karin.
Karin has previously worked with HR in the county council, government sector and process industry and comes most recently from a firm focusing on organizational and leadership development.
“Getting to know the organization and all employees is my focus in the beginning. I want to understand the business’s opportunities and challenges. To remain the good organizational culture, I will continue to work with the company’s HR processes. Inclusion and diversity are very important to me, which will also be evident in SunPine’s continued HR work”